NEEDED aims to deliver the next generation of reference European models and methods at TRL4 to estimate present and future aircraft emissions (pollutants and noise) and the number of people affected by them. It responds to the HORIZON-CL5_2022-D5-01-12 topic while pursuing EUROCONTROL’s commitment to the EU’s vision for a Single European Sky.

The NEEDED project aims to enable the entry into service of transformative aircraft technologies developed through the Horizon and Clean Aviation programmes, while minimizing the effects of air transport on pollution and noise. To achieve this, NEEDED has four objectives:
Average daily flights
Inter-Continental daily flights
Flights vs 2022
Operators in EU
*Data from EUROCONTROL Apr 2023
NEEDED’s Contributions to Airport Air Quality Modeling 🌍✈️
Air quality at airports is a critical issue due to emissions from aircraft. The NEEDED project is enhancing air quality modeling by improving how the …
Global Aviation: Driving Sustainable Development
Aviation plays a vital role in sustainable development, connecting people, businesses, and communities while bolstering global trade and tourism. Safe …
How Does Air Quality Affect Our Bodies? 🚶♂️🚶♀️
Air quality plays a crucial role in our overall health. When the air we breathe is polluted, it can have immediate and long-term effects on our bodies …
Aviation: A Key to a More Sustainable World
The aviation sector has the potential to drive a more sustainable future, especially when it comes to reducing environmental impacts like air pollutio …
Discover NEEDED with John Stewart, President of #UECNA
Learn more about the NEEDED project through an exclusive interview with John Stewart, President of the Union Européenne Contre les Nuisances Aériennes …